Chris Pearson


I have been friends and supported Dan for over 9 years. For me, the members club is a superb way of getting behind the scenes access to the motorsport world, which for a petrol head is awesome.
It’s also a fantastic way to network, having access to a potential wide range of cliental is so valuable. My business is in the luxury, UK holiday accommodation sector. Providing an outstanding and unforgettable experience of 5* holiday accommodation to families, groups of friends, business away days and more at the stunning Oakdene Country House, Sedbergh located within the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Favourite UK circuit

Donington Park

Company Information

Oakdene Country House, Sedbergh


Facebook:       OakdeneCountryHouseSedbergh

Instagram:       OakdeneCountryHouseSedbergh


Telephone:      07966 554542

Membership Enquiries


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