Daniel has held his ARDS instructing licence from the age of 17 and has worked all over the world, coaching drivers from all ages. He has made his living for over nine years coaching in cars ranging from Vauxhall Astra’s all the way up to La Ferraris and Porsche 918s.

Whether you’re a young karting graduate stepping-up to cars for the first time, a current racer aiming to sharpen up your technique or a track day enthusiast hoping to get maximum enjoyment from your time at the circuit, Daniel can help.

“I take a lot of pride in my coaching and I approach every client in a different way. There are so many benefits from having a driver coach, some drivers pick up some really bad habits if they have never been shown any different. Motorsport and Track days cost a lot of money, so spending that bit more to make sure you get the best out of your experience, is well worth it.  When I was the Porsche Carrera Cup GB Scholar and was a multiple race winner, I still had a driver coach, it’s worth every penny.”

At the moment Daniel is coaching drivers in TCR, Porsche Carrera Cup and Junior Ginetta championships as well as private trackday clients. If you would like to find out more about Daniel’s services please e mail daniellloydracing@gmail.com and he would be more than happy to have a chat with you.



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