Mike Fry

Mike Fry

Director of Maxpolished Detailing 


Family man, been following BTCC since 1990s continued to follow with my wife and boys who are all keen followers to.
We enjoy all motor sports and attend many events on social level to business level displaying our work and showing our own show cars.
Since 2000 we attended every opening race of the BTCC and finals race of BTCC being held at our favourite location Brands Hatch.

Company Information

With over 25 years experience Maxpolished Detailing provide a Bespoke service tailored to each client.we are specialists in high Quality Automotive Detailing,for those that want ultimate results.

We specialise in turning your vehicle into a show’n’shine condition making heads turn once more.
Using the finest products it’s about the fine details and quality…not volume.
We provide care packages to keep your vehicle in this condition at affordable rates.

Packages can be tailored and arranged individually for each client with also a choice of regular payment plans.
We pride ourselves in providing ultimate results one by one with superior Customer care and support.

We won’t disappoint we aim only to give 100% satisfaction results everytime.

Maxpolished Detailing

Email Address
Personal – mikewoodyfry@gmail.com
Business – maxpolisheddetailing@gmail.com
Contact number – 07983 260480
Business details – Automotive Valeting
Business website –  https://maxpolished-detailing.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral
Social – Twitter 

Membership Enquiries


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